Tag Archives: Nature Walk Rattle

7 Awesome Summer Music Ideas!

Rhythm Tree drumming around

Will you be going camping, hosting a summer camp or just having a staycation in the great outdoors of your big backyard?

If so, music may be one of the creative activities you can include to make it even more enriching, fun and memorable.  Here’s a compilation of our most popular “making music outdoors” posts.

Make a Rhythm Tree

rhythm tree - playgroundYou already have the components for a large outdoor percussion place right in your garage or recycling bin!  A bit of artistic creativity can turn them into items to adorn a tree for free form musical expression.  Don’t have the perfect tree?  You can always substitute a clothesline or rope for a different version of this great kids project.  Check out the full post here:


Nature Walk Rattle

Earth Day Rattle FinishedThis super-simple craft starts with a wide-mouth recyclable container and ends – anywhere you want it to!  Talk a hike around your local park, lake or playground and you can identify and gather materials that will shake rattle and roll for you.  Do this activity for younger kids as a sensory craft or for older kids as a plant or natural object identification quest.  Or a scavenger hunt.  Anyone up for finding a fern frond, a hickory nut or a pine cone?  All the details are here: http://www.tinytappingtoes.com/early-learning-with-music/make-an-earth-day-nature-walk-rattle/

Make a Bullroarer!

bullroarers - plasticWant to create a musical instrument shared by both Australian Aboriginal and Native American peoples?  Make and play a bullroarer and you should be able to hear it an amazingly long distance away.  Since this requires a bit of space to play, it’s perfect for large open spaces or as an outdoor activity.  Check out the crazy sound it makes and the complete post about Australian instruments here: http://www.tinytappingtoes.com/uncategorized/outdoor-musical-play-make-your-own-bullroarer/

Do The Limbo

limbo at core creekHave a large group of kids and want to get a lakeside or pool party going – start the limbo.  This post shares the background of the limbo plus several ways you can adjust the rules for kids of all ages and abilities.  How low can you go?  Find out here: https://makingmulticulturalmusic.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/it%E2%80%99s-summertime-%E2%80%93-do-the-limbo/

Gourd Water Drum

plastic water drum playingVersions of this drum that floats on water are found in both Mayan and African cultures.  Make your own version outside on a hot day and create some amazing sounds while cooling off and playing in the water!  Read all about it here: http://www.tinytappingtoes.com/uncategorized/musical-water-play-a-myo-gourd-style-water-drum/

Craft it Up!

bella and washboardAlthough this is an Earth Day themed E-book, the 10 crafts start with recycled materials found anywhere and end up with gongs, drums, rattles, clapsticks and much more.  Check out this E-book plus cd, for lots of ideas for the summer craft table: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/EARTH-DAY-CD-PLUS-E-BOOK-OF-10-RECYCLED-MUSICAL-ACTIVITIES-658096

Write An Earth Day Song

You don’t need to go to a music camp to learn basic songwriting with easy activities like this that take a recognizable melody and help you craft your own small hands change the worldlyrics.  Use the Earth Day theme or choose another subject and you’re on your way to creating a personalized soundtrack to this summer’s fun.  No previous songwriting experience needed!  Check it out here: http://www.tinytappingtoes.com/classroom-music/sing-your-own-earth-day-song/
