Category Archives: Homeschool Musical Fun

18 Musical Freebies for Hispanic Heritage Month

18 Music Freebies HHM

Whether you’re teaching at school, homeschooling or unschooling, who doesn’t love to find fun freebies that help you celebrate special months of the year?

For Hispanic Heritage  Month;  celebrated between September 15th and October 15th, here are 18 great ways to discover new instruments, make musical crafts, learn about traditions and celebrate the beauty and rich diversity that Hispanic cultures have brought to the world.

Check out these TPT freebies below:


What Is Hispanic Heritage Month – Free Info Page

josef cajons 22Make And Play Your Own Cajón Box Drum

Make And Play Your Own Recycled Guiro

Color a Cajón Box Drum Online

Color a Guiro Percussion Instrument Online

What is a Quijada (Jawbone Instrument)

HHM Mini poster freeHistory Of The Song – La Cucaracha

Freebie Quijada Monster Faces for Egg Carton Craft


Celebrate Hispanic Heritage With Music – Mini-Poster

zamponas colorZamponas Mini-Poster

Guitar Mini-Poster


Mariachi Guitar Coloring Page

Color The Chapchas

Color The Zampoñas

bombo-coloring-pageColor A Bombo – A Drum From The Andes

Color The Cuatro From Puerto Rico

Skull RosieDay Of The Dead Calaveras (Skull) Freebies


Remote Learning…Watch Moana, Then Try Musical Crafts And Activities!

Screen shot 2017-03-02 at 4.00.45 PMIf you’re staying at home, it may be a great time to combine some of your favorite movies with fun and creative learning activities. We’ll be posting about several movies, but this time… we invite you to watch Moana and then learn more about South Pacific culture through these crafts, coloring pages and activities.


“Beach In A Bottle” Rattle

This is such an easy and fun craft! Start with a clear recycled water bottle and create your own “beach” that will change as you play it, swooshing from side to side or up and down. Don’t have sand? Substitute salt or white sugar. Add whatever you have on hand: small shells, pebbles, beads, bits from broken necklaces… hidden treasure?

“Clean Up The Beach” Straw Rattle

Start with a clean, clear recycled container and add any plastic straws you may have accumulated, cut into tiny “beads” or bits. Not only are you keeping plastic out of landfills and the ocean, this rattle is very subtle and quiet, perfect for playing along with any of the Moana songs or your favorite soundtrack!

Pu’ili Rhythm Sticks 

pu'ilil guyAlmost every culture in the South Pacific has a version of the hula dance tradition.  One of the coolest percussion instruments seen in the hula are pu’ili rhythm sticks made out of bamboo.  The tops of the sticks are cut so that they rattle in a unique way when tapped together.

Since most folks don’t have a bamboo grove growing next to their home, below is a link  to a craft version that uses either toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls. Both are colorful, fun and make great rhythms!

Here’s a video where you can see pu’ili in action!

River Rocks As Instruments

Another instrument that can be heard in the hula are ‘ili ‘ili. These are smooth river rocks tapped together as percussion.  Since rocks can be found anywhere, this makes a great way to explore the idea of making music from found and natural objects!  Here’s a video, but check out the complete post below for more tips about turning stones unto tunes!

Color A Ukulele

The sound of the ukulele rings out across the waters throughout this region. Color your own version and imagine the sea and the surf tickling your toes!

What Was That Big Drum Seen on Moana?

Pacific Island Slit DrumRead the post below to find out and see some beautiful examples of these log or split drums, just like the ones seen in the secret cave of the movie!


Beach In A Bottle Rattle

Recycled Straw Rattle (Plus Other Plastic Straw Crafts)

ukulele color imagePu’ili Crafts

River Rocks As Rhythm Instruments -

Ukulele Coloring Page Freebie -

What Are Those Huge Drums Seen In Moana?

Toenails of Goats – An Amazing Musical Instrument!


All around the world, people make music. But because they all have different materials in their environment, they create musical instruments that are unique to each continent and culture.

One of my favorite unusual instruments to share are chapchas. Most often seen in the Andean countries of South America, this percussion instrument is made from the toe nails of goats, boiled and then strung onto a cloth circle or bracelet and rattled together to create the sound.  What does it sound like? Most people think it sounds like a beautiful rainstick or a gentle rattle.

You can hear them right here:

You can also hear how chapchas sound being played with other instruments in this video of a song sung in Quechua, the language used in rural Peru that dates back to the Incan empire. Just listen for the instrument that is not a flute or a drum, but sounds like a rainstick or a rattle.

Why Use The Toenails Of Goats?

Why use the toenails of goats as a musical instrument? The answer is simple. Many communities in the rural Andes are located at an altitude above the tree line so it is difficult to find things like wood, seeds or branches to create many common instruments. And most of these communities are herders, so the clipped toenails would be readily available every spring for fashioning an instrument like the chapchas.

Chapchas Coloring PageColor Your Own Chapchas

Want to take a closer look at chapchas? You can color your own goat toe-nail rattle in this TPT freebie here:

Enjoy More Posts About Hispanic Heritage Month from Multicultural Kid Bloggers!

Hispanic Heritage Month Series 2019 | Multicultural Kid BlogsWe are so excited for our eighth annual Hispanic Heritage Month series! Now through October 15, you’ll find great resources to share Hispanic Heritage with kids, plus you can link up your own posts on Hispanic Heritage!

Find even more ideas on our Latin America Pinterest board:


September 16

Pura Vida Moms on Multicultural Kid Blogs: Celebrating Latino Culture

September 17

Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes: Julia de Burgos, Puerto Rico’s Most Famous Latina Poet

September 18

Hispanic Mama: Raising Kids to Be Proud of Their Latino Heritage

September 19

Spanish Playground: Spanish Tongue Twisters for Kids

September 20

MommyMaestra: Tito Puente Lesson Plans, Coloring Pages, Crafts, Activities and More

September 23

Kids Spanish Book Club: Five Bilingual Picture Books

September 24

Embracing Diversity: 21 Inspirational Quotes by American Latinos To Uplift & Empower

September 25

el Mundo de Pepita

September 26

Little Nómadas: Quesillo Venezolano

September 27

De Su Mama

September 30

Baby Devotions

October 1

For the Love of Spanish

October 2

Tiny Tapping Toes

October 3


October 4

Bicultural Familia

October 7

Spanish Mama

October 8

The Multilingual Home

October 9

Bookworms and Owls

October 10

Jeddah Mom

October 11

Pretty Mama Breastfeeding

October 14

Multicultural Kid Blogs

October 15

Maritere Bellas

Don’t miss all of the great posts from previous years as well: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Love Bucket Drumming? Try Mini-Bucket Drumming!

Do you have a young drummer in the house?

You’ll love this simple but awesome drum craft! It’s based on the idea of bucket drumming – taking an unexpected item like a paint bucket and turning it into a drum.  But instead of buckets, this craft reuses coffee cans and here’s what it looks and sounds like.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle a Coffee Can

Start with a regular coffee can, find two unsharpened pencils and tap away. Or kente clothg drum projectyou can print out one of our drum “skins” to color and personalize with your young drummer.

The design we’ve created is based on kente cloth, and each color is symbolic of a trait like beauty and strength.

Two Beaters, Two Heads or Use Your Hands

Try tapping the drum with both sides of the unsharpened pencil. Each will create a different sound. Notice that most coffee cans have a metal side and a plastic one as well. Both sides will also offer a different tone when played. Need more ideas for beaters? Check out our MYO drum beater post below.

rhythm tree playing tubeDrum Roll, Please!

A great way to develop motor skills is learning to create a drum roll. Try this by tapping – slowly at first, but consistently – left stick, right stick, etc. Start slowly and build your speed for an impressive sounding drum roll!

Bang on the Drum All Day

Here are some playing tips and suggestions:

Tap with your hand

Play free form to your favorite music

Tap to the beat of your favorite music

Make several drums and play them together

Make a DIY bongo drum set and try hand drumming (activity pdf below).

Find other objects to add to a drum kit

Pots and Pans?

The classic image of a child at play with drums is one of playing pots and pans. I wwdop - too cool!like to caution parents here that the sound from striking a metal pot with a wooden spoon can be potentially damaging to a child’s hearing – or a parent’s sanity.

Instead of a wooden spoon and metal pots and pans, try cardboard boxes, plastic bowls or containers. If you have a washboard, break that out, too and play if with spoons, a whisk or a wooden spoon.

And – by all means…rock on!

Links and Resources

Kente Drum Coloring Page

playing bongosKente Drum Activity on TPT

What Do The Colors in Kente Cloth Mean?

MYO Bongo Drum

MYO washboard post

MTO Drum Beater

Where To Buy World Music Instruments – For Your Kids or Classroom!

sunita playing quijadaI’ve traveled the world to perform and I love to share really amazing world music instruments with my audiences when I play live.   The three most frequent questions I get are: “What is that?” “Where does it come from” and “Where can I find it for my child or my classroom?”.

These questions are not surprising. People around the world make music in some really beautiful and unique ways. It’s a great way to celebrate diversity or teach about world cultures.  And folk instruments are fascinating.  They generally come from natural or recycled materials,  like turning bamboo into Hawaiian rhythm sticks called pu’ili or using seed pods from the “ice cream tree” to make pacay rattles.  Bushel gourds turn into water drums and smaller gourds learn to dance as shekeres.  This is not just a fun sensory experience for a child but also a way to share creativity and encourage music-making as awesome tingsha, limberjack, kalimbaplay!

But if you haven’t just gotten off a plane from some remote location, how do you find these great instruments for your kids? Here are my best tips with an emphasis on places you can buy things that are fair trade.


Before we begin, I encourage any parent or teacher to think of safety first. Any

Rattles made from gourds, seeds, feathers and a donkey's jawbone

Rattles made from gourds, seeds, feathers and a donkey’s jawbone

toy or instrument may have small parts – such as beads that might break off – so keep that in mind. I also encourage parents and teachers to play with their child musically, then keep the instruments in a special place. This usually keeps things from breaking and keeps smaller children safe from choking hazards.


When you go to work, don’t you want to be paid a fair or a great wage? Would you like to work all day then receive .24 for your labor? Heck, no!

I am a huge fan of fair trade.  Having lived in many third world countries I’ve seen awful working and living conditions and am thrilled to see many companies now that only offer fair trade products. I heartily encourage you to make that choice, whenever possible.


zamponas front and backTen Thousand Villages began as a fair trade endeavor, started by a Mennonite woman in the 1950’s. It’s now blossomed to a company with many retail stores across the USA and a brisk online business. Although Ten Thousand Villages does not exclusively sell musical instruments, they work with artisans in over 35 countries and have a beautiful selection of instruments from Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. My favorite items from their store are their panpipes (pictured here), kalimbas, African percussion, handbells, small gongs and beautiful singing bowls.

You can find their online store and list of locations, here:


Exclusively a music retailer and wholesaler, Jam Town is based in Seattle and mini shekere for storeoffers a wide variety of hand drums, box drums (cajón) as well as diverse hand percussion. What they offer varies so stop by their online site and see what is available or locate a store that offers their products near by.
Although their customer service really could use improvement, I wholeheartedly recommend the quality and sourcing of their instruments. Buying from Jam Town means offering meaningful support to an artisan in a third world country where few opportunities exist. Plus, their website has a great clearance page, too.

The Didj Shop

Although not certified fair trade, this online store and website promotes all didg by treeIndigenous Aboriginal artists and their creations. The website is filled with great info from various Aboriginal cultures. The website is set up so it allows a person who wishes to buy a didgeridoo, the chance to hear it as an mp3 and often see an image and profile of the artisan who created it.

The Didgeridoo Store

Although not certified fair trade, this store has some great low-priced didgeridoos and sells packages where a beginner can get a didg plus an instruction video.  They also sell Australian clapsticks that are beautifully decorated and other percussion items such as Indian ankle bells.  You can see those here:


This is a store that’s not certified fair trade, but they have been very helpful to me.  I’ve purchased large drums, panpipes, tinya drums and goat toe nail rattles from them. Their customer service is outstanding and it is my hope that they have the same care for the artisans who create their instruments.
puili sticks on a leafHAWAIIAN INSTRUMENTS

Here’s an excellent site for learning about Hawaiian, Hula and South Pacific instruments. You can buy many of the basics such as these pu’ili rhythm sticks in their shop, here:

Is That Everything?

No way!  I’ll keep adding to this article but I encourage you to subscribe to this blog to see what’s new. And let me know if there’s a shop or a vendor you’ve found that create beautiful instruments. I’d love to list them here or even do a special post on what they do.

Wishing you a happy, musical day!

Win a Chinese New Year Music Mini Lesson!

CNY mini-lesson coverWant some hands-on fun for Chinese New Year?  This is our latest music mini-lesson created  to take kids, teachers and parents around the world through music, crafting and coloring fun.

Here’s what you’ll find inside the Chinese New Year mini-lesson.  You’ll find instructions to make a personal or class sized gong. You can decorate the gong with the animal symbol for this year or pick the symbol of the birth year for anyone you know. How do you find the animal associated with a birth year? We’ve got a handy chart so you can see if you are a dog, a snake an ox or a dragon. You might also be a horse or a sheep or goat or this year’s animal – the pig!

What would Chinese New Year be without a monkey drum (pellet drum) also Bolang Gu creft + real oneknown as a bolang gu. Did you know that bolang gu were originally used for special ceremonies but now are seen more as toys for young children? And what do you sing for Chinese New Year? You have to sing “Gong Xi Gong Xi”! We’ve included a page of lyrics for Gong Xi plus a translation and explanation so you can both sing and understand the Chinese New Year song.

Win a copy of the Chinese New Year Mini Lesson

Screen shot 2018-11-15 at 7.25.00 PMMusic Mini Lessons

In addition to the Chinese New Year music mini lesson, we’ve created one to explore Australian Aboriginal music (, Instruments of India (, Ancient Instruments of the Middle East ( and even a complete E-book about growing up as a child in the Andes (

Chinese New Year Freebies

If you love this type of materials you might want to follow me on TPT, where they are all posted. Here’s direct links to just a few freebies you may like.

Follow me on TPT:
year of the pigYear Of The Pig Coloring Page:
Chart Of Years And Chinese Zodiac Signs:
Gong Xi Gong Xi Lyric Page:

A Kwanzaa Book And Drum Craft

kente clothg drum project

The winter holidays are such a beautiful and festive season.  Will you be celebrating Kwanzaa this year?  Is Kwanzaa part of your family or community? If this holiday is new to you, here is a beautiful book and a fun craft to introduce children to the spirit and the history of this holiday and let them create their own kente cloth drum!

Seven Spools CoverSeven Spools Of Thread

Seven Spools of Thread is a book that was written for Kwanzaa about kente cloth, a beautiful traditional fabric woven in Uganda.  Written by an amazing author, educator and chef, Angela Shelf Medearis, the book begins with a brief history of Kwanzaa and it’s Seven Principles.  Next comes the story of seven brothers who cannot get along and you probably guessed what happens.  Solving their problems requires using the important values of the seven principles of Kwanzaa such as purpose, creativity and faith.

seven spools 2Aside from a wonderfully told story, the book has gorgeous woodcut-style illustrations by artist, Daniel Minter.  This is a story you’ll want to read over and over again, not just at the winter holiday times, but throughout the year.

A Kente Cloth Craft

When you’ve finished the story, perhaps you’d like to color your own kente cloth and make a small drum.  You can find complete instructions in the freebies listed here.  Recycle a coffee can or an oatmeal container and you can make your own kente cloth-style drum.

And please stay tuned to this blog as our next post is from an expert on kente cloth and his story is just amazing.

Links And Resources

RPL - making kente cloth drumsMake Your Won African Drum Craft – Freebie From DARIA’s TPT store

Color A Kente Cloth Pattern – Freebie From DARIA’s TPT store –

Angela Shelf Medearis Website – She’s a Chef, Author and Cultural Historian!

Get This Jingle Bell Craft Book – Free!

jingle craft book cover

When the winter holidays roll around, who doesn’t love the sound of jingle bells? And those great little jingling bells can be used to make a multitude of creative sensory crafts for kids. Because they are such a great winter activity, we’ve assembled our top 4 jingle bells crafts into a handy E-Book perfect for this time of year.

Here’s What’s In The E-Book

Jingle Bracelet (from booklet)So what were our top 4 crafts?

Number one was our easy jingle bracelets or anklets using yarn or pipe cleaners and beautiful bells. (I’ve heard back from parents who’ve enclosed these with their holiday cards!). Number two was “jingle pencils”, super easy to make with on-hand materials and perfect for large groups – then using for a holiday sing or caroling fun!

Number 3 was a jingle tube craft using any round container like a coffee can or an oatmeal package. These are sturdy and beautiful and you’ll want to use them Jingle Tubesas part of your home music basket or music therapy lessons for months to come. Lastly, our favorite totally green holiday craft reuses both the cardboard tubes for wrapping paper and left-over wrapping materials to make your own jingle marching sticks.

Sound like fun?

Here’s How To Get It

To get this E-book, just send me an e-mail at daria music at yahoo dot com. Make the subject “Free Jingle Bell Book”.  I’ll send a return e-mail with the jingle bells - different colorsE-book and ask you if you would share the link for my TPT store (which is filled with freebies) or share on social media or maybe even do a review on your blog! No worries here, do as much or as little as you like!

Will I check up on this? No. I meet the nicest folks through my blog and my music materials. They are parents, teachers, homeschoolers, music therapists and they love making music a part of their children and family’s day. If you enjoy what I create, I’d appreciate any sort of shout out because that’s precisely how I find the most awesome new friends and fans!

Would You Kindly Follow Me On TPT?

If you follow me on my TPT store, you’ll get first notice of all my music, world TPT headermusic and world cultures fun. There’s even a special section listing over 50 freebies. I’d love to stay connected with you!

Follow me on TPT here:

Learn ASL (American Sign Language) Through Music

YAMS 2Have you ever seen an ASL (American Sign Language) translator interpret a speech, a discussion or a song?  It’s an amazing ballet of graceful movement and dynamic expression.  In fact, although it doesn’t use words or sounds at all, ASL is an amazing language that may already be part of your family’s life!

What is ASL?

If you are deaf or hearing impaired or have a family member or friend who is deaf or who signs, you already know what American Sign Language is.  If you don’t, here is one of the best definitions, from the NICED:

“American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, complex language that employs signs made by moving the hands combined with facial expressions and postures of the body. It is the primary language of many North Americans who are deaf and is one of several communication options used by people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.”

Watch And Learn

Although becoming fluent in ASL could take years, it can be fun to dive in and BRW ASLlearn basic words by taking a course, studying online or – my favorite – by using music.  A few months ago I began to create ASL videos of my most popular songs and their links are below.  In addition to these songs, I’ve asked a wonderful ASL interpreter named Destiny Yabro (seen in the videos) to create extra videos explaining and demonstrating 10 signs from each song.  Below is the current list of ASL “Sign Along With Me” videos, but please bookmark and check back as I frequently add more.

Do you have a favorite DARIA song?  If so, contact me at dariamusic at yahoo dot com under the heading ASL Suggestion and I just might do your favorite song next.  Also, if you are a teacher and need these videos for your students in a format other then Youtube, please check out my TPT site, where you can stream them for use in the classroom.


You Are My Sunshine – 10 Signs Demonstrated

Beautiful Rainbow World – Signed in ASL

Beautiful Rainbow World – 10 Signs Demonstrated

For All The World’s Children – Signed in ASL

For All The World’s Children – 10 Signs Demonstrated


Resources And Links
What is ASL From The NAD –…/american-sign-language/what-is-american-sign-language/
What is ASL From The NIH –

28 Kids Crafts To Reuse Plastic Straws

drying strawsAre you trying to use less plastic?

I meet more and more parents who are striving to use less packaging and plastic products.  And it’s really encouraging to even see big companies – like Starbucks and the entire Marriott hotel chain – phasing out plastic straws altogether!  But even if you are the most recycling-conscious family, you’ve probably ended up with some of those pesky plastic straws and wondered what to do with them.

Instead of tossing them into the waste stream, here are a host of great activities that reuse these not-so-disposable items and are fun and productive kid’s crafts as well.

Clean Your Straws

If you’ve ended up with straws from juice, smoothies or soft drinks you can easily clean them off before you craft with them.  Rinse them in soapy water and let them stand them in a jar or glass for a few minutes (as seen above).  In no time at all, they’ll be clean and ready to be used in any of the crafts below!

Straw Rattles Completed On YellowA Quiet Rattle

We love this craft!  It is fun to make, also reuses plastic bottles and creates a quiet rattle that is never too loud, even when playing with bunches of friends!  And if the straws you’ve used are colorful, they make wonderful patterns of colors as you shake them along to music.

What To Do

Cut the straws into small lengths, anything the size of a small bead to about an inch long.  Cut them all the same length or mix up the sizes.  And if you have straw pieces left, they are perfect for the sensory bins listed below or even the friendship bracelets!

To create the rattle, simply allow your child to drop any number of their favorite colors and sizes into the plastic bottle.  When it looks and sounds perfect to your little one, put on the cap and seal with a sturdy electrical tape.  This keeps the contents inside the rattle and makes the end-product child-safe.

Note: while creating any of these crafts, make sure the small pieces of straws don’t go in a child’s mouth.

More Musical Straw Crafts!

josef playing straw zamponasPanpipes Made From Straws

Use straws as the contents to a “Roly Poly” Thing

Use straws as the contents to an ocean drum

maracas - back to schoolUse straws as the contents to a set of maracas

Other Straw Crafts You’ll Love!

Sensory Bin With Straw Pieces – From Teaching Mama

20 Assorted Drinking Straw Crafts For Kids- From Meraki Lane

Simple Friendship Bracelets Made with Pipe cleaners and “Straw Beads” – From Kiwi Co –

More Crafty And Elegant Straw Bead Bracelets – Tutorial below and here’s hoping you reduce, reuse recycle and rock out with any of the crafts you’ve found here!