Make Your Own Musical Button Gloves!

This week we wanted to share a guest post and a wonderfully simple musical craft and activity from Cari at Time For Play – Button Gloves!

Hello Music Lovers.

I’m Cari from over at Time for Play. I have worked with young children for over 20 years and am now owner of my own Preschool.  Over on my blog, I share simple, cheap, and easy activities and experiences for young children.

I would like to share with you all how to make a very, simple instrument that you and your children can make.  They are Button Gloves.

I came up with them while working with 3 and 4 year olds who hadn’t quite mastered the snapping skill.  With these they can click, click, and click their way through song after song.

Here’s how we created them:

You need some gloves, buttons and a glue gun.

That’s all it takes.

Squeeze a drop of hot glue on each glove finger and press on a button.

You’re done!

Have the kids slip on their new button gloves and get to tapping.  We love to put them on and click them on the fridge, tile floor, wall, and some metal bowls and pans.

Exploring with these musical gloves provides a great experience in listening for differences in sounds and gets them using those little muscles in their hands that they will need for writing.  They learn coordination, cooperation, and social skills when they work with a partner to tap their gloves together too.

Musical button gloves can be a very simple musical instrument with an added bonus of helping  children develop and practice important skills. You can even make yourself some!  I did and enjoy them as much as the kids do!

 I would love for anyone to visit me at Time for Play . You can also find me on Facebook @Time for Play and Twitter @time_for_play.


0 Responses to Make Your Own Musical Button Gloves!

  1. Great idea!
    Tonya from

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